Help Pakistan Now - Earthquake of 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Review of Overall Relief Efforts as of Oct 14

Source: Department for International Development
Date: 14 Oct 2005


7.6 earthquake (depth 10 kilometres) hit at 08.50 Pakistan time (03.50GMT) 8 October 2005, with the epicentre in the Muzaffarabad area, 95kmnorthnortheast of Islamabad (highly populated). Worst affected within100-km radius of epicentre.- Severe damage in six districts of Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) andfive districts of Pakistan administered Kashmir. Towns in Indianadministered Kashmir also affected (centred around Srinagar).- 4 million affected; 1 million displaced. (UNDAC)- Pakistan latest death toll estimates 25,000; 63,000 injured (expected torise). (Government)- Strong aftershocks continue. Weather conditions worsening withtemperatures falling, rain and snow reported.- International Search and Rescue operations are no longer taking place.Response efforts shift to emergency relief.- International assistance requested by Pakistan at 00.00 GMT 9 October.


Pakistan Priority needs as announced by the Government on 12 October:

-50,000 winterised family tents (average family size 7 persons);
-1 million blankets;
-disinfectants (for bodies);
-water purification kits;

International field hospitals are either functioning or on their way to the region; (Rawalakot, Chakoti, Rawalpindi, Mansehra, Muzaffarabad and Bagh, Battagram, Gharhi).


Current Operations

Government has pledged a contribution of £13 million towards relief effort(including £1 million contribution from DFID Pakistan). £2 millioncommitted.
With the Search and rescue phase over, UK Search and Rescue teams are returning home.
4 Rapid team members will remain in Islamabad to support the local effort.
They are expected to return to the UK next week. UK teams made fourteen live rescues.

Two Dubai airlifts of 500 winterised family tents arrived in Islamabadtoday. Four flights are scheduled to depart Dubai over the next 24 hours carrying 1,700 winterised family tents, 14,700 collapsible 10-litre jerrycans, and 7,530 wool blankets. Total commitment for this task is currently£1.1 million.

Lahore-Muzaffarabad trucks: Two trucks carrying 5,000 tarpaulins arrived in Muzaffarabad on 13 October. 1,000 winterised family tents to arrive in the next 48 hours. All supplies handed over to Islamic Relief as they arrive.

A Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC), 264 tents, and 5,000 collapsible jerry cans scheduled to arrive in Islamabad 15.00 local today. HIC equipment will go to OCHA; tents and jerry cans consigned to Oxfam.

1,000 winterised family tents consigned to Christian Aid partner ChurchWorld Service Pakistan in Lahore. They will be responsible for transporting to Mansehra for immediate distribution.

536 winterised family tents and 20,000 blankets arrived in Islamabad at 07.45 local on 12 October. The tents were handed over on arrival to Oxfam and the blankets to Islamic Relief for immediate distribution.

$250,000 to support the World Health Organization for shipment of healthand trauma kits to Pakistan (covering 40,000 people for 3 months).


PakistanThe Government has moved two Divisions of the Army into NWFP and PakistanAdministered Kashmir and setting up five advanced staging posts (Bagh,Muzaffarabad, Mansehra, Rajikot, Balakot) for facilitation anddistribution.

Restoration of utilities such as electrical supply and telecommunicationscontinue to be a top priority.The Prime Minister’s Office has appointed a Relief Co-ordinator

The President of Pakistan has established a relief fund.


UN Resident Representative/UNDP Resident Co-ordinator, is to be appointed the Humanitarian Co-ordinator.

UN to establish five combined offices in Muzaffarabad, Mansehra, Bagh,Balakot and Batagram. These will act as humanitarian hubs for providingcommon services to the humanitarian community. (UNDAC)UNDAC team to stand down over weekend, to be replaced by OCHA team.

An On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) functioning in Muzaffarabad.WHO appealing for a large number of national public health officers toscale up all health activities.WFP began distributing high energy biscuits to 12,000 people inMuzaffarabad. Trucks carrying 30 MT of biscuits arrived in Muzaffarabad.


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